How to Write a Personal Essay

 The good personal essay demands more advanced writing skills and creativity than a regular assignment in the educational establishment. It is also a great opportunity to share interesting and unique moments of the life with your readers. But many students don't know how to present themselves and to grab all the attention by including the spicy details in the text. But life is not a movie and it is possible that there are no breathtaking moments as in the made-up story. So, now we will provide you with a few tips about the personal essay creation.

How to Start?

Before you start writing an essay, make a list of the most significant events in your life. It can be the one that really changed you, formed your identity and made a unique profile of who you are. Even if this incident seems to be boring or not exciting enough, you should consider it as an important experience and think about the benefits to the reader which he or she can learn from your story. The main idea of the essay must be specific but simple and familiar to the reader at the same time. People like when the writer is on the same page with them.

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How to Engage the Reader?

There are different ways how you can draw the person’s attention with the first line: ESSAYSFORSALE

1. Create the Catchy Introduction

A small annotation at the beginning of the personal essay is a great way to provide a reader with the information about the plot, main characters and to tell why this topic is important and crucial for the evolution of your personality. You should include some extraordinary details to hook the reader and, if possible, to intrigue him.

2. Tell as If You Draw

A good book or essay always paints a picture in reader’s fantasy. He or she live this moment with you for the second time and is driven by the same emotions you felt. You need to find the right words and make the essay more alive by adding some dialogs and vivid descriptive scenes. Use the action verbs to make the story more dynamic and the most suitable adjectives to convey your feelings.


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