How to Write a Paper in 1 Day

 Without any doubt, the best way you can follow when you are given an academic assignment is to plan ahead and gradually write it over the entire period of time you’re given to perform the task. It is especially true for large research papers that take a while to collect all the information needed when working on them. However, it isn’t always possible to do within the short deadlines.

Sometimes, you have too much other work to pay attention to in your research paper. Sometimes, you may lose an almost complete assignment because of a computer crash. That’s why don’t forget to create a backup version to avoid such cases. Sometimes, you simply procrastinate until the very last minute. Reasons don’t matter – what matters is that you have a single day to complete your college assignment and not a single idea on how to do it; if this is the kind of predicament you find yourself in, this article is for you.

How to Write a Research Paper in a Day: Environment

Writing an essay in one day is by no means easy or enjoyable, especially if your school has strict requirements; yet it can be done. However, the situation you are in requires special methods, and it is not enough to just know how to write an essay in general. You have to properly prepare and organize your work strategically. Here are some things you should take care of:

  1. Don’t panic. Yes, you’ve got yourself into an unpleasant situation and will have to mobilize all your resources to successfully deal with it. However, you are neither the first nor the last student who has to write an essay in day. Most of those who actually try to do the job instead of running around in panic manage to pull it off. You can do it – if you adopt the right mindset.
  2. Take stock of your time resources. Ask yourself, “How much time can you realistically dedicate to writing an essay?”, “When exactly is a submission date?”, “What other assignments will you have to complete today?”, “How long do you intend to sleep?’, and so on. All these questions will help you realize exactly how much time you have. Maybe, you’ll find an extra hour just to rest.
  3. Divide the time you have into segments dedicated to specific tasks. There are a lot of stages you need to pass through while writing an academic paper – information collection, reading the sources and making notes, organizing your notes, planning your essay, determining your thesis statement, writing per se, formatting, proofreading, etc. This way, you will know if you are lagging behind and have to work faster.
  4. Eliminate all possible distractions during the writing process. Turn off your phone and all the notifications you receive. If you live not alone, tell those around you that you are not to be bothered for the entire day today. Ask them to talk as little as possible to you even if you address them (you may be tempted to take a break and go chat with someone halfway through, so take measures beforehand). Use a tool like Leechblock to block all the websites that may ruin your concentration, or you will find yourself wandering off to check social networks when you get tired and bored. Besides, take into consideration tips on how to avoid study distractions. Alternatively, try 5 practical tips on how to avoid distractions and stay focused while studying from the video below.


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